In the world of queer fantasy, hot guys are like 50 pesos per kilo(most especially if you spend most of your Sunday afternoon sitting in front of your computer and browsing...uhmmm, hot naked men. You almost get eyesore, because many are beautiful. All of them seem like falling in line in front of you and taking turns to be delightful in your eyes. You're like a king (or queen). When I favored one today, it will be "you are so last week already" the next week. And when I look
for another one to schedule an appointment in my dreams, sometimes I sigh and say "nothing remarkable".
That is me... at least in my fantasies.
This Akihiro Sato tickled my fancy when I first saw his picture in my (yes....) boyfriend's mobile phone.
I have a strong weakness with cute guys who have every Asian features running thru their veins (Read: when I say Asian, I meant typical Asian---Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc). Mga SINGKET, in other words. My gulay! I so adore this Brapanese hunk!
This instance was waaaaayy before he came to the Philipines to try his luck here. And I still had no clue who the hell is this mystical guy (I didnt even know his name!)
I was so knocked dead when the same exact face became a Cosmo Bachelor and saw his nakedness on its anniversary special. I was able to confirm also he'll be staying here in the Philippines, when I saw his Penshoppe billboard (he's the
primary male model of the brand).

And the rest is history. ANd I call myself CRAZY....
1. I joined his online fanclub
2. I frequented his fanzine
3. I collected pictures of him (softcopy and the hardcopy)
4. I stole a magazine from my dentist with his spread on it (i actually didnt stole the magazine though, i just ripped it off)
5. I voted for him twice a day thru texting (during Celeberity Duets)
6. I cursed Rufa Mae Quinto to death when she had a shower scene with him
7. I made an Akihiro Sato Shrine on my Friendster and Facebook, and dedicated an album on my PC for him.
8. I dragged my boyfriend all the way to SM MOA, while it was raining hard, to see him personally (during the Penshoppe Fashion Week). Prior to that, I threaten my niece (who happens to be a merchandiser at Penshoppe) that I will disown her if she fails to bring me to Akihiro
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